Attention Gibson Residents: Upcoming Weather Conditions

Attention Gibson City Residents: With an estimated 1 inch of rainfall predicted between Wednesday January 24 and Thursday January 25, the City would like to remind you to check sump pumps and downspout drains in your home. The ground is saturated and somewhat still frozen, which leads to precipitation not being absorbed and ponding can…

Attention: Recycling Cancelled for January

Attention Gibson City Residents: The regular recycling for January 20th has been canceled due to a death in the recycler’s family. Recycling will resume with the next regular time of the first Saturday of the month, February 3rd from 8-11. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

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Reminder: Building Permit Regulations

The City of Gibson would like to provide a reminder about certain regulations in regard to City- issued Building Permits. Please read the section below, pulled from Chapter 40 of our City Ordinances, You can find the full chapter, and other ordinances here: Thank you for your Cooperation!  

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Notice: Open Public Hearing for Drainage Study

For Gibson City Residents: The City of Gibson plans to hold a public hearing on November 14, 2023 at 7:00PM in the GCMS Elementary School Cafeteria to share a Comprehensive Drainage Study provided by our engineers, and requested on our behalf as Mayor, Council, and Community. The Mayor and Council are taking Gibson City’s drainage…