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Attention Residents:

New signs have been posted to encourage community outreach to help with the recent vandalism at the North Park. Please take the time to keep an eye out for others. Those who can provide information regarding recent vandalism will be offered a reward.   Please share.


Attention: Vandalism

Gibson City Residents, We are very proud of our community and would like all public areas to be open and welcoming to all. Unfortunately, the restrooms at our North Park are being subjected to vandalism, especially in the evenings but before the restrooms are locked for the night. We are asking our park visitors, neighbors, etc.…

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  Attention Residents: With the State of Illinois Reopening to a high degree, the City of Gibson will reinstate and begin to once again charge late fees for water billings.   The most current billing will be mailed out June 15, 2021, with pink penalty bills to follow for those who miss their due date.…



Attention Gibson City Residents:  The Canadian National Railroad on W. 8th Street, west of downtown area in Gibson City will be CLOSED from the morning of June 21, 2021 through the morning of June 25, 2021 for maintenance work.  A detour will be provided around town on state highways. Please be cautious and plan routes…