brush pile


ATTENTION GIBSON CITY RESIDENTS: The City has begun storm damage clean-up, and will be making a city-wide sweep to clean up downed trees and fallen limbs/branches. Please be patient while the city works diligently to reach everyone; currently we ask you to DRAG ALL LIMBS TO THE CURB (in a pile), PLEASE DO NOT PLACE…

City-Wide Debris Pick-Up is Now Over:

Announcement: The City has finished their last rounds of picking-up debris and damaged goods from the Flood. As stated before, the last day for debris pick-up was August 30, 2021; therefore there will no longer be any debris or flood damaged goods picked up by the City. If residents still have debris to dispose of,…

Congressional Delegation Letter:

Sharing a glimpse at the letter that has been formal sent from the Illinois Delegation in support of Illinois Governor Pritzker’s request for a U.S. Small Business Administration Economic Injury Disaster Declaration for Ford County as a result of the sever flooding earlier this month:

Red Cross

Community Blood Drive Coming up!

The American Red Cross will be holding a community blood drive here is Gibson City! When: Tuesday September 14, 2021 from 12:00-5:30 pm. Where: The First Presbyterian Church, 401 North Church Street in Gibson City (Fellowship Hall) To make an appointment, call Sharon at 217-249-8103 or go online to Donors can streamline the process…