
Attention: Incoming Winter Weather

Attention Gibson City Residents: The City of Gibson may experience another round of winter weather this week; Please be aware of conditions if plows need to be out. Snow Routes will be enforced to make for easy cleanup. You can find our Main Snow Routes on our previous post under the ‘News’ tab, or at…


Recycling Announcement:

Notice: The Gibson Area Recycling will resume on February 19th, and continue the regular 3rd Saturday of the month. It will be in the same location – the parking lot behind City Hall; at the same time – from 8:00 – 11:30. Thank you for your cooperation!

closed sign

Notice: City Hall Closed

Due to weather conditions, City Hall will be closed Wednesday, February 2, 2022 Thursday, February 3, 2022 Please use the drop box for all billings, for further inquiries, leave a message at 217-784-5872, Monday thru Friday, 8:00 am-4:00pm. Thank you for your cooperation!


Attention: Update regarding Snow Storm Conditions:

Attention: Update regarding Snow Storm Conditions: Statement from Mayor Dan Dickey: A “Snow Emergency” will be in effect starting Tuesday, February 1st at 6:00 PM until further notice. This time may be adjusted depending on when the snow arrives. Parking will not be allowed in the downtown area or on any snow routes until the…

Attention: Snow Routes

Attention Gibson City Residents: Please be aware and take time to prepare for the incoming Snow Storm conditions. Snow Routes will be strictly enforced, and individual cars have been marked for temporary removal. Main Snow Routes are indicated below. Starting Tuesday evening, there will be no parking downtown or on any snow routes. Citizens are…

Now Hiring

Notice: Administrative Assistant Position Open

NOTICE: The City of Gibson is looking for a full time Administrative Assistant M-F, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.   Qualifications: Experience with the public with good communication skills Microsoft Office background Bookkeeping experience preferred   Responsibilities: Billing Payroll Accounts Payable Budget Preparing meeting information   Full time benefits package will be offered.   Application…