City-Wide Debris Pick-Up is Now Over:

Announcement: The City has finished their last rounds of picking-up debris and damaged goods from the Flood. As stated before, the last day for debris pick-up was August 30, 2021; therefore there will no longer be any debris or flood damaged goods picked up by the City. If residents still have debris to dispose of,…

Congressional Delegation Letter:

Sharing a glimpse at the letter that has been formal sent from the Illinois Delegation in support of Illinois Governor Pritzker’s request for a U.S. Small Business Administration Economic Injury Disaster Declaration for Ford County as a result of the sever flooding earlier this month:

Red Cross

Community Blood Drive Coming up!

The American Red Cross will be holding a community blood drive here is Gibson City! When: Tuesday September 14, 2021 from 12:00-5:30 pm. Where: The First Presbyterian Church, 401 North Church Street in Gibson City (Fellowship Hall) To make an appointment, call Sharon at 217-249-8103 or go online to Donors can streamline the process…

(!) Updated Gibson Flood Relief Release (!)

To: Gibson City ResidentsFrom: Mayor Daniel Dickey 1. Unfortunately, we learned there will be no financial assistance from the federal government “FEMA is NOT coming” 2. If the region qualifies for state level assistance, it will only be in the form of low interest rate loans for individuals and businesses through the Small Business Association…