Attention Residents: Storm Damage

Attention Residents: Please drag branches and limbs from storm damage to the curb to be collected by the city. The city crew will work as efficiently as possible to get them picked up within the next few days, thank you for your cooperation!

NOTICE: 2024 Gibson City Clean-up Day

Attention Residents: The Gibson City Clean-up Day will take place on SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2024, 8AM – NOON. It will take place next to Strebeck Salvage (Route 9 West, behind Gibson City Redi-Mix) Elderly or Disabled can arrange pick-up by calling or texting (309)-830-4280. Guidelines: -Must live within City Limits -NO electronics will be accepted…

Attention Residents: Grass Clippings

Reminder to Residents: It is prohibited to blow grass clippings into roadways and drainage gutters in the City of Gibson. PLEASE REFRAIN FROM DOING SO! Grass clippings affect many aspects of drainage and sewer operations, and can attribute to major problems. We would appreciate your cooperation!

red attention symbol

Attention: City Hall Closed for Walk-ins

Attention: City Hall is temporarily closed to walk-ins due to repairs being made. If you need to pay a utility bill, please utilize our drop boxes located near the front door of City Hall, or the Police Station. Any further questions can be directed to (217)-784-5872. Thank you for your cooperation!

Hydrant Flushing out Into Street

Notice: Hydrant Flushing to Begin.

To Gibson City Residents: The City of Gibson would like to notify its residents that a city-wide hydrant flushing will begin on the evening of Sunday, March 10, 2024  and will continue for approximately a week. The City plans to work hard and efficiently to continue flushing throughout the schedule, making their way across the…