Autumn leaves in a canal


UPDATE REGARDING 2021 LEAF PICK-UP:  Since Leaf Pick-up is starting at a later date, The City of Gibson will be MAKING ONE PASS TO PICK UP LEAVES. They will not be making multiple passes, and will work efficiently to include everyone in one pass.  APPROXIMATE START DATE: December 1, 2021  START LOCATION: Beginning at the…

Attention: First Responders

From: Mayor Dan Dickey To: First Responders First and foremost we would like to thank you for helping us during the “1000 year” flood we had in Gibson City in August of this year. The response was totally amazing and there is no way we can truly express our heartfelt gratitude. The outcome would have…

2021 Christmas Season in Gibson City:

Gibson City’s Christmas upcoming Christmas Celebration December 10 & 11th is right around the corner! Regarding all competition and participation information and their forms can be found below for those who wish to take place in this year’s festivities. Each Form can be found below each rule listing: 2021 House Decoring Competition Form: Click for…

fallen leaves

2021 Gibson City Leaf-Pickup Policy:

The City of Gibson would like to share the annual Leaf-Pickup Policy for 2021. The city has not specified a day to start pick-up yet, WE WILL MAKE AN ANNOUNCEMENT WHEN WE DECIDE TO START OUR FIRST ROUND OF LEAF-PICK-UP. That being said, please keep in mind the rules to be included in the pick-up…

Attention Gibson City Residents: Grass Clippings

ATTENTION GIBSON CITY RESIDENTS: Please DO NOT BLOW GRASS CLIPPINGS INTO THE STREETS. This picture was taken today; as you can see below, it blocks drains and makes it difficult for street maintenance and sweeping. We are asking please be mindful of your clippings, thank you for your cooperation.

tree brush


A reminder to all residents in town: The City of Gibson is currently NOT PICKING UP LIMBS AT THIS TIME OR FLOOD DEBRIS ANY LONGER. We have had numerous people piling furniture, debris, and storm damage by their curbs; we made announcements declaring that the City will no longer be picking up curbside at this…

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Gibson’s Trick-or-Treat Hours:

Local Trick-or-Treating for Halloween will take place on October 31, 2021, with hours from 5:00 pm – 8:00pm. Those in the community who wish to pass out candy are free to do so. Please remember to practice safe-distances and wash your hands, and dress warmly! Happy Halloween from the City of Gibson! Thank you for…