Announcement: Electronics Recycling is returning on Saturday, April 12th!
The trailer will be accepting items starting at 9:00AM – 11:00AM, (or until the trailer is full) in the Parking Lot south of City Hall.
Below are the items that will be accepted with disposal fees next to them. If you have any questions on what will be accepted, please call Fred Honaker with B&H Recycling at 618-707-7403.
Stoves ($2.00)
Washers &Dryers ($2.00)
Hot Water Heater ($2.00)
Refrigerators &Freezers (must
be empty) ($2.00) Dishwashers ($2.00)
Air Conditioners & Central Air Units ($2.00)
Heaters ($2.00)
Electric Motors ($2.00)
Fax Machines, Computers, Computer Towers, and Keyboards ($2.00)
Radios, VCRs’, CD &DVD Players, MP3 Players, Game Systems &Stereos ($2.00)
Cell Phones &Batteries ($2.00)
Household Batteries (must be in a container) (Free)
Cameras &Camcorders ($2.00)
Grills, Toasters, Lamps, Coffee Pots &Blenders ($2.00)
Car Parts ($2.00)
Tin ($2.00)
Bicycles ($2.00)
Lawn Mowers ($2.00)
Electric Pumps ($2.00)
Guttering ($2.00)
Chop &Band Saws ($2.00) Microwaves ($2.00)
Printers & Copiers ($2.00)
Vacuums & Dehumidifiers ($2.00)
Small Flat Screen Computer Monitors ($5.00)
All Flat Screen TV’s ($10.00)
Console TV (wooden) with CRT Glass ($20.00)
Computer Monitors &TV’s with CRT Glass ($10.00)
Anything that has a cord (cord must be attached)
All Businesses Are Welcome – Rain or Shine
No Paint
No Tires
No Bedsprings
Thank you for your cooperation!